Welcome to MadPiXi Animations. This website and journey is one of love, partial insanity and lots of late nights with mountain dew and chocolate. Sleep is and was something I used to “daydream” about when I could sleep, but this is my passion so it keeps me going regardless. I got into animation because I wanted to see how my vision could be transformed into something more than just a whisper in my own mind. This…could be something pretty cool.
That is animation. That is what I do.
Now, think back to when you were a child….ok…now think back to stinky socks, gross me out worms and popsicle’s on a stick melting in the hot summer sun. You…were this super amazing hero that saved the day and destroyed the bad guys, unless you were the bad guy..sorry to tell you but they usually die. Anyways, back to my story. You became that hero, that person who was animated in every way with super powers and abilities that would make Luke Skywalker jealous. The galaxy would be your playground and you..yes, you alone saved the say. Ok., there might have been a three legged wookie with wings spraying gob stoppers out of his left nostril but hey, that’s neither here nor there. 🙂
You see, it’s this imagination and joy that makes an animator want to take those dreams and fantasies and push them into an exploding canon to watch rainbows baked in skittles come out on the other end. Passion and partial insanity is a must for this job and I feel like I’m up for the challenge!
I hope you find the inner animator in you and for goodness sake let him or her out! Explore and let your imagination soar!
(p.s. We’re all a little mad here)